O. B. Frothingham. . Whoso lives for humanity must be content to lose himself.
O. Motto. Brown. . Men's souls 'twixt sorrow and love are cast.
Oersted. . No sooner is one error suppressed than another rises up again which was believed to be buried in eternal oblivion. - Kaum ist ein Irrthum unterdrückt, so erhebt sich wieder ein anderer, den man schon in tiefe Vergessenheit begraben glaubte
Of a dial. . I mark no hours but the shining ones. - Horas non numero nisi serenas
Of an organ. . Hence the obedient winds are loosed from their sounding prison, and repay the liberty they have received with a tune. - Hinc venti dociles resono se carcere solvunt, / Et cantum accepta pro libertate rependunt
Oken. . Man has been developed, not created. - Der Mensch ist entwickelt, nicht erschaffen
Oken. . Man is the sum-total of all the animals.
Oken. . The most beautiful object in Nature is the godlike creature: man. - Die höchste Naturschönheit ist das gottgleiche Wesen: der Mensch
Old French. . Faith for duty. - Foy pour devoir
Old French. . I know everything except myself. - Je cognois tout, fors que moy-mesme