a . ( ) , ( ) ( ) - The property of a man consists in
A French Old Song. . I love my lass better. - J'aime mieux ma mie
A French song. . To conquer the English one must build a bridge over the Straits of Dover. - Pour dompter les anglais, / Il faut bâtir un
A German national song. . 'The watch on the Rhine.' - Die Wacht am Rhein
A Greek epitaph. . Now I have gained the port, hope and fortune, farewell! I have nothing more to do with you; go now and make sport of others. - Jam portum inveni, Spes et Fortuna valete! / Nil mihi vobiscum est, ludite nunc alios
A Jesuit maxim. . Where the end is lawful the means are also lawful. - Cui licitus est finis, etiam licent media
A logical fallacy. . After this; therefore on account of this. - Post hoc; ergo propter hoc
A Mediæval charm. . Jasper brings myrrh, Melchior frankincense, and Balthazar gold. Whoever carries with him the names of these three kings (the three kings of Cologne, the Magi) will, by the grace of God, be exempt from the falling sickness. - Jasper fert myrrham, thus Melchior, Balthazar aurum. / Hæc quicum secum portet tria nomina regum, / Solvitur a morbo, Domini pietate, caduco
A Monkish Adage. . There is a time when nothing may be said, a time when something may, but no time when all things may. - Est tempus quando nihil, est tempus quando aliquid, nullum tamen est tempus in quo dicenda sunt omnia
A Russian noble to Count Münster on the murder of the Czar Paul. . Despotism tempered by assassination is our Magna Charta. - Le despotisme tempéré par l'assassinat, c'est notre Magna Charta