CALM SEA . In a calm sea every man is a pilot.
CALM WEATHER . Calm weather in June sets corn in tune.
CAN . A man can do more than he can.
CANDLE . Burn not your candle at both ends at once.
CANDLEMAS . On Candlemas day you must have half your straw and half your hay.
CANDLEMAS . 193. CANDLEMAS. 194. CANDLEMAS DAY. 195. CANDLEMAS DAY. On Candlemas day throw candle and candle-stick away.
CAP . If the cap fit, wear it.
CAPTAIN . Be captain of your own ship.
CARCASE . Where the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
CARDS . Many can pack the cards that cannot play.
CARE . Care's no cure.
CARE . Care will kill a cat.
CARE . Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves.
CARE NOT . 'Care not,' would have.
CARRY . Don't run away with more than you can carry.