
English-Greek Dictionary

A Vocabulary of the Attic Language by S.C. Woodhouse


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Labdacus . Λάβδᾰκος, ὁ. Of Labdacus, adj.: Λαβδά̆κειος.
Labdalum . Λάβδαλον, τό.
Label . subs. Use P. and V. γράμμᾰ, τό.
Laborious . adj. Ar. and P. ἐπί̆πονος. χᾰλεπός, P. πραγματώδης, P. and V. βᾰρύς, ὀχληρός, ἐπαχθής, προσάντης (Plat.), V. πολύπονος, δυσπόνητος. Industrious: P. and V. ἄσχολος, P. φιλόπονος, φιλεργός.
Laboriously . adv. Industriously: P. φιλοπόνως. With difficulty: Ar. and P. χᾰλεπῶς, τᾰλαιπώρως, P. ἐπιπόνως, V. δυσπετῶς, P. and V. μόγῐς, μόλις.
Laboriousness . subs. P. βαρύτης, ἡ. Industry: P. φιλοπονία, ἡ, φιλεργία, ἡ. Difficulty: P. and V. ἀ̆πορία, ἡ, δυσχέρεια, ἡ.
Labour . subs. P. and V. πόνος, ὁ, Ar. and V. μόχθος, ὁ, V. μοχθήμᾰτα, τά, ἆθλος. ὁ, κά̆μᾰτος, ὁ ; see also task. It is labour lost to: V. πόνος περισσός ἐστι (infin.) (Soph., Ant. 780). With labour: see laboriously. Industry: P. φιλοπονία, ἡ, φιλεργία, ἡ. Exertion: P. and V. σπουδή, ἡ. Handicraft: P. and V. τέχνη, ἡ, Ar. and P. χειρουργία, ἡ, P. χειροτεχνία, ἡ, V. χειρωναξία, ἡ. Child-bed: P. and V. λοχεία, ἡ (Plat.), τόκος, ὁ, or pl. (Plat.), V. λοχεύμᾰτα, τά, ὠδί̄ς, ἡ, γονή, ἡ. The pangs of labour: V. λόχια νοσήμᾰτα, τά, ὠδί̄ς, ἡ. A woman who has just been in labour: Ar. and V. λεχώ, ἡ. Be in labour (child-bed), v: P. and V. ὠδί̄νειν (Plat.), V. λοχεύεσθαι.
Labour (1) . v. intrans. P. and V. ἐργάζεσθαι, πονεῖν, ἐκπονεῖν, μοχθεῖν (rare P.), κάμνειν (rare P). Do work: B. δημιουργεῖν. All the folk who labour with their hands: V. πᾶς ὁ χειρῶναξ λεώς (Soph., Frag.). I fear I may seem to be troubling you by labouring a point that is only too obvious: P. δέδοικα μὴ λίαν ὁμολογούμενα λέγων ἐνοχλεῖν ὑμῖν δόξω (Isae. 72, 33). Be distressed: P. and V. κάμνειν, πονεῖν, τᾰλαιπωρεῖν, Ar. and P. τᾰλαιπωρεῖσθαι (pass.), P. πονεῖσθαι (pass.), V. μογεῖν. When the ship labours with the sea waves: V. νεὼς καμούσης ποντίῳ πρὸς κύματι (Æsch., Theb. 210). Labour at: P. and V. ἐργάζεσθαι (acc.), σπουδάζειν (acc.), διᾰπονεῖν (acc.), V. πονεῖν (acc.) (rare P.), μοχθεῖν (acc.). Labour for (on behalf of): V. ὑ̆περκάμνειν (gen.), προκάμνειν (gen.), ὑ̆περπονεῖσθαι (gen.). Labour out: P. and V. ἐκπονεῖν (or mid.) (acc.), ἐξεργάζεσθαι (acc.), διᾰπονεῖν (or mid.) (acc.), V. ἐκμοχθεῖν (acc.). Ar. and P. ἀ̆περγάζεσθαι (acc.). Labour under (a disease): P. and V. κάμνειν (absol. or dat.), νοσεῖν (dat.). Generally: P. and V. σῠνέχεσθαι (dat.), σῠνεῖναι (dat.), σῠνοικεῖν (dat.). You labour under the worst kind of ignorance: P. ἀμαθίᾳ συνοικεῖς τῇ αἰσχίστῃ (Plat., Alc. I 118B). Labour with (others): P. and V. συμπονεῖν (dat.) (Xen.), V. συμμοχθεῖν (dat.), συγκάμνειν (dat.).
Laboured . adj. Over-refined: P. and V. κομψός, P. πεπραγματευμένος. Sending forth a laboured breath: V. φύσημʼ ἀνεὶς δύστλητον (Eur., Phoen. 1438); see unsteady.
Labourer . subs. Labourer in the fields: P. and V. ἐργά̆της, ὁ, αὐτουργός, ὁ. Workman: P. and V. δημιουργός, ὁ, P. τεχνίτης, ὁ, V. χειρῶναξ, ὁ (Soph. and Eur., Frag.). Hired labourer: P. θής, ὁ. Fellow labourer: P. and V. σῠνεργός, ὁ, or ἡ, V. σῠνεργά̆της, ὁ. Fem., σῠνεργά̆τῐς, ἡ.
Labyrinth . subs. P. λαβύρινθος, ὁ. A labyrinth of words: V. περιπλοκαί λόγων αἱ. Labyrinthine adj. Use P. and V. πολύπλοκος (Plat.).
Lace . subs. Use P. and V. σινδών, ἡ (lit., fine linen). Laces for shoes: Ar. ἡνίαι, αἱ.
Lace (1) . v. trans. See fasten.
Lacedaemon . Λᾰκεδαίμων, ἡ ; see also Sparta. A Lacedaemonian: Λά̆κων, -ωνος, ὁ. Fem., Λά̆καινα, ἡ. The Lacedaemonians Λᾰκεδαιμόνιοι, οἱ. Laconia: ἡ Λᾰκωνῐκή, or χώρα Λά̆καινα, ἡ (Hdt. and V.), or Λᾰκεδαίμων γῆ, ἡ (Eur., Hel. 474).
Lacerate . v. trans. P. and V. σπᾰράσσειν (Plat.), Ar. and V. διασπᾶσθαι, διασπᾰράσσειν, κᾰταξαίνειν, V. ἀρτᾰμεῖν, διαρτᾰμεῖν, κνάπτειν, σπᾶν. Wound: P. and V. τιτρώσκειν, τραυμᾰτίζειν, V. ἑλκοῦν. Met., distress: P. and V. λῡπεῖν, ἀ̆νῑᾶν, δάκνειν ; see distress.
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