Yn. the 25th letter of the Roman alphabet ; Yn. a silvery metallic element that is common in rare-earth minerals ; used in magnesium and aluminum alloys ; Y chromosomen. the sex chromosome that is carried by men ; y-axisn. the vertical axis in a plane coordinate system ; Y-linked genen. a gene located on a Y chromosome ; Y-shapedadj. shaped in the form of the letter Y ; Y2Kn. the year 2000 in the Gregorian calendar ; Y2K compliantadj. prepared to accurately process date and time data between and into the 20th and 21st centuries ; yaccan. West Indian evergreen with medium to long leaves ; yacca podocarpn. West Indian evergreen with medium to long leaves ; yachtn. an expensive vessel propelled by sail or power and used for cruising or racing ; yachtv. travel in a yacht ; yacht chairn. a light folding armchair for outdoor use ; yacht clubn. club that promotes and supports yachting and boating ; yacht racen. a race between crews of people in yachts ;