K. {kilo-}, a {kilobyte}. Used both as a spoken word and a written suffix, like {meg} and {gig} for {megabyte} and {gigabyte}. See {prefix}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-09-29) K5. An early system on the {Larc} computer. [Listed in CACM 2(5):16 (May 1959)]. (1994-11-23) K56flex. A modem standard developed by {Rockwell} for 56 {kbps} communications. K56flex Became more popular than the rival {X2} but will be superseded by the official {V.90} standard. [Already superseded?] (1998-09-08) K6. A {Pentium II} class {microprocessor}, manufactured by {AMD}. [100% Compatible? Speed?] (1998-02-27) K7. {Athlon} KA9Q. A popular implementation of {TCP/IP} and associated {protocol}s for amateur {packet radio} systems and {personal computer}s connected via {serial lines}. It was named after the call-sign of Phil Karn - the radio ham who first wrote it for {MS-DOS} on the {IBM PC}. KA9Q is currently maintained by Anthony Frost (call-sign G8UDV) and Adam Goodfellow . It has been ported to the {Archimedes} by Jonathan Naylor (G4KLX). [FTP?] (1994-11-08) KADS. {Knowledge Analysis and Design System} kahuna. /k*-hoo'n*/ (From the Hawaiian title for a shaman) An {IBM} synonym for {wizard} or {guru}. [{Jargon File}] (1994-11-09) Kaleidoscope. An {object-oriented} language which mixes {imperative} and {constraint}-oriented features. Kaleidoscope was written by Freeman-Benson of the {University of Washington}, {Universite de Nantes}, 1989; {University of Victoria}, 1992. It is similar to {Siri} and vaguely related to {Prose}. Versions: Kaleidoscope '90 and Kaleidoscope '91. ["Kaleidoscope: Mixing Objects, Constraints and Imperative Programming", B.N. Freeman-Benson, SIGPLAN Notices 25(10):77-88 (OOPSLA/ECOOP '90) (Oct 1990)]. ["Constraint Imperative Programming", B.N. Freeman-Benson, Ph.D. Thesis, TR 91-07-02, U Wash (1991)]. ["Constraint Imperative Programming", Freeman-Benson et al, IEEE Conf on Comp Lang, Apr 1992]. (1994-11-09) Kali. A {data parallel} language. ["Supporting Shared Data Structures on Distributed Memory Architectures", C. Koelbel et al in Second ACM SIGPLAN Symp on Princ and Prac of Parallel Programming, pp.177-186, Mar 1990]. (1994-11-09)