TABBY. A girl. TACKLE. To fight. TAKE 'EM ON. Engage in fight. TAKE A TUMBLE. To be aware of. TAKE DOWN. To defraud. TAKING THE KNOCK. To avoid payment. TASMANIAN DEVIL. A carnivorous burrowing marsupial, with a coarse, mostly jet black fur, and about the size of a badger. TASMANIAN TIGER. Native wolf. TATS. Teeth. TENNER. A ten-pound note. TERAGLIN. Aboriginal name for a N.S.W. fish. THROW IN THE MARBLE. To relinquish. THROWING STICK. Aboriginal weapon. TIGHT. Mean; drunk. TIME, TO DO. Term of imprisonment.
A Dictionary of Australian Words And Terms by Gilbert H. Lawson, published originally in 1924 in Balmain, Sydney by the Direct Hosiery Company